Home Show Vendor Rules and Regulations

Booth Construction

Any exhibit in excess of 8’ in height shall require prior approval of Show Manager. Signs, apparatus, shelving or stands will not rise more than 8’ from the floor along the rear of the booth, or more than 3’ from the floor along each side of booth. No Exhibitor shall install or cause to be installed any merchandise which will obstruct the view of other Exhibitors. Any portion of an Exhibitor’s sidewall that exceeds 3’ must be finished off facing the neighboring Exhibitor and such areas facing the neighbors may not display any company name, logo, or any other advertising. Custom-built displays are desirable and more effective because of their eye appeal. Any signage must be approved prior to use in the display area. Vehicles will not be allowed to unload in the event center, please make sure to bring carts and be prepared to hand truck displays inside.

Installation of Exhibits

Exhibit check-in and move-in will be Thursday, March 12th from 5-10pm and Friday, March 13th from 8am-3pm. All exhibits must be completely set up and cleaned by 3pm on Friday, March 13th, 2020.

Removal of Exhibits

Exhibitor agrees to remove exhibit from the Parkade Plaza by 10pm Saturday, March 14, 2020. If Exhibitor fails to remove his exhibit, Exhibitor acknowledges and agrees that HBAC or its designee shall thereafter have the right to remove exhibit and charges for removal will be billed to Exhibitor at the rate of $200 per hour.

Literature, Souvenirs, Give-Aways, Drawings & Contests

Printed advertising, souvenirs, etc. may be distributed by Exhibitors from their own space only. All souvenirs are subject to the approval of Show Management and those that are not approved will not be permitted. Souvenirs shall not be if the noise-making variety. All drawings or other contests shall comply will all applicable laws. Exhibitors must confine their exhibit activities to the space for which they have contracted.

Conducting Exhibits

All exhibits must conform to the standards set by Show Management, which are as follows:

  • Contests or giveaways require approval from Show Management
  • Subletting or sharing of exhibit space is prohibited
  • Demonstrations are permitted in the booth. Should they result in aisle congestion, you will be asked to control the crowd.
  • Exhibitor is responsible for any and all damage to the facilities. Protect the floor for both weight
  • distribution and from dripping. In the event of damage to the floor, Exhibitor will be charged actual repair costs.
  • The use of loudspeakers, recording equipment, television sets, radios or the use of operating machinery which is of sufficient volume to annoy neighboring Exhibitors by spreading beyond the immediate area of the display will not be permitted.
  • Failure to comply will result in suspending the use of the Exhibitors amplification system.
  • No Exhibitor may bring live animals of any kind into the Parkade Plaza without prior approval of Show Management.
  • No signs will be allowed to hang from the ceiling rafters of the Parkade Plaza.

Unoccupied Space

If for any reason Exhibitor fails to occupy the assigned space no later than the first day of the Expo, then Show Management may rent that space to any other applicant. Or may use the space for any other purpose and Exhibitor shall have no further right to use the assigned space.

Selling of products in the booth

Cash and carry sales will be allowed with prior approval of Show Management only, and approval for same must be obtained at time of rental booth. Approval is not guaranteed.

Booth Assignments

The 2020 floor plan has been modified from last year to work better with the location. Assignment of booth space will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis (upon receipt of completed application and payment). All site selections will be subject to approval and possible relocation by HBA to insurance diversity of the expo and individual exhibitors will be contacted. You will receive a floor plan once your application and payment are received.

Booth Services

Parkade Plaza will be assisting in the arrangements of booth services for the show. A service kit will be emailed with your confirmation and receipt. Each booth will contain 8’ high back wall of pipe/drape. Each booth space will also include a table and 2 chairs, if requested. Electric service and wi-fi are included in your booth rental.

Exhibit Hours

Friday, March 13th 4:00 pm – 8:00pm Saturday, March 14th 10:00am – 6:00pm

Exhibitor Set up Times

Thursday, March 13th 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm Friday, March 14th 8:00am – 3:00pm

Exhibitor Breakdown Times

Saturday, March 14th - 6:00pm – 10:00 pm (Breakdown prior to 6:00 pm will not be allowed as this creates a liability and negative impression for our attendees) See Tear Down Deposit.


The use of the space referred to herein shall be subject to all terms and conditions imposed by the Home Builders Association of Columbia, and Exhibitor agrees to abide by all such terms and conditions, all of which are incorporated herein by reference and/or the Home Builders of Columbia for any damages caused by Exhibitors or its agents, servants. Employees, the general public, or to the property of said Exhibitor occurring at the Parkade Plaza; the approached and entrances hereto by virtue of his occupancy hereunder or anything connected with said occupancy.

Exhibitor and its agents, agree to conduct its activities upon the premises so as not to endanger any person lawfully thereon and to indemnify and save harmless the Owner against any and all claims for loss, injury or damage to persons or property, including claims of employees of Permittee or any contractor or subcontractor of, arising from the negligent activities conducted by the Permittee, its agents, members or guests.

Exhibitor agrees to supply for the duration of the license agreement liability insurance in the face amount of a minimum of $100,000 per occurrence, and such certificate of insurance shall contain an endorsement naming the Home Builders Association of Columbia as additional named insured.

Contractual Agreement

The Home Builders Association of Columbia shall have the full power to interpret and to make or amend these rules at any time. Whenever these rules or regulations do not cover a situation, Show Management shall have the authority to make such rulings as Show Management considers to be in the best interest to the show, and the Exhibitor agrees to accept and abide by such ruling. It is agreed, that by applying and registering for a booth space, the Exhibitor will abide by the Rules and Regulations cited above.

For Additional Information

Contact the Columbia HBA office at 573-443-8622 or homeshow@columbiahba.com

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